E N G L I s H @ T U A K A U

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Awesome games on the BBC education website...

The BBC educational website - BBC for schools - has an array of fantastic learning activities and games. Though it is geared up for GSCE there are awesome games for the kids to play.

Head for this link - Games - and have fun on Mia Cadaver's Tombstone Timeout....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Teaching strategies - a reminder..

Just a reminder that the TKI ESOL site has some wonderful resources and strategies ....
you can link to it from here ...Teaching and Learning Strategies

Friday, August 22, 2008

Get your kids to make a reading poster...

Quick, easy and fun ... grab a digital camera and try it out here .....

Here's mine ....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What boys like to read...

An intersting article on what boys like reading.. you can link to it here

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This is a great visual thesaurus site - check it out with your classes - especially good for ESL learners...


Let me know what you think...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blackout Poems .....

Check out this unusual idea for a variation of 'found poetry'.

These rely on 'blacking out' sections of newspaper stories to create a poem. Check it out at this link - Blackout Poems...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Catherine is a comma - a pause???

You Are a Comma

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.

You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.

You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.

(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

What punctuation mark are you...

I find this hard to believe but according to Punctuation marks I am a ......

You Are An Exclamation Point

You are a bundle of... well, something.

You're often a bundle of joy, passion, or drama.

You're loud, brash, and outgoing. If you think it, you say it.

Definitely not the quiet type, you really don't keep a lot to yourself.

You're lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy.

(But they do secretly worry that you'll spill their secrets without even realizing it.)

You excel in: Public speaking

You get along best with: the Dash

What do you think???????